

  从辛丑牛年正月初一到初七,天天有惊喜,天天短视频,感受中国春节文化魅力,聆听感人的温暖故事。北京市人民政府新闻办公室精心策划、量身订造推出7集中英文系列短视频《我在北京·过春节》(I am in Beijing for Spring Festival )。通过外籍主持人对话在京过春节的不同国籍、不同行业7位代表人物,感受他们的生活状态,聆听他们今年不一样的春节故事。今天为您推送的是第七集《爱鸟人Karim:逛公园,过春节》(Bird Lover: Experiencing the ecology of Beijing at the Park)。

  From the first to the seventh day of the first lunar month of the Year of the Ox 2021, our viewers can enjoy Chinese Spring Festival culture through seven different short videos of touching stories we post online. Produced by the Information Office of Beijing Municipal Government, the 7-episode “I am in Beijing for Spring Festival” video series will show you how people from different countries and different backgrounds spend their Spring Festival in Beijing. This is the 7th episode: Bird Lover: Experiencing the ecology of Beijing at the Park.

  余溟辰(Karim Thibault)来自法国巴黎,从事生物多样保护工作。工作之余,他喜欢带上相机到处逛公园、湿地,为鸟儿们拍摄照片。今年他和朋友们一起留在北京过春节。“北京越来越给我一种家的感觉,这里的朋友也像是家人一样。”

  Karim Thibault, from Paris, is engaged in biodiversity conservation. He is committed to establishing biodiversity reserves in various parts of China and promoting the unique animals and plants in China. After work, he likes to go to various wetlands and parks in and around Beijing to watch birds and take photos. Having been living in China for five years, he used to travel to other cities with his friends during the Spring Festival. But this Spring Festival, he and his friends will stay in Beijing. "Beijing is like my home, and my friends here are like my family," he said.