

  从辛丑牛年正月初一到初七,天天有惊喜,天天短视频,感受中国春节文化魅力,聆听感人的温暖故事。北京市人民政府新闻办公室精心策划、量身订造推出7集中英文系列短视频《我在北京·过春节》(I am in Beijing for Spring Festival )。通过外籍主持人对话在京过春节的不同国籍、不同行业7位代表人物,感受他们的生活状态,聆听他们今年不一样的春节故事。今天为您推送的是第六集《志愿者Josh:北京就是我的家》(Charity Volunteer: Beijing feels like home to me.)。

  From the first to the seventh day of the first lunar month of the Year of the Ox 2021, our viewers can enjoy Chinese Spring Festival culture through seven different short videos of touching stories we post online. Produced by the Information Office of Beijing Municipal Government, the 7-episode “I am in Beijing for Spring Festival” video series will show you how people from different countries and different backgrounds spend their Spring Festival in Beijing. This is the 6th episode: Charity Volunteer: Beijing feels like home to me.

  谭嘉旭(Josh Dominick)来自美国纽约州,他长期关注下肢瘫痪的群体,会组织攀岩、游泳、冲浪、体验手摇车等活动,为他们提供外出活动的机会。他在北京生活了近20年,对他而言,北京是“家”、是“情结”、是“饱含深情的地方”。今年春节,他将和几位中国朋友一起吃饺子、看春晚。他最爱吃的是韭菜馅儿的饺子。 “包饺子就像做其他事情一样,需要多加练习,希望今年包的饺子不散架”。

  Josh Dominick, from upstate New York,works as a volunteer in a non-profit group to help the disabled. He is committed to helping the paraplegics and organizing activities like rock climbing, swimming, surfing and handcycle competition for the group. He has been living in Beijing for 20 years. The new friendship here and the efforts made by everyone towards a common goal in the face of the epidemic deeply moved him. He plans to spend this year's Spring Festival holiday with several Chinese friends from different provinces eating dumplings and watching the Spring Festival Gala. His favorite is leek dumplings. Although the dumplings he makes often fall apart, he still enjoys it. "Making dumplings is like everything else. Practice always makes perfect. I hope that the dumplings I make this year will not fall apart," He said.